Cooking with Mom
Hello! My name is Emma. I wake up early in the morning. Today is Saturday. I am happy because I will cook with my mom!
First, I put on my yellow apron. It has small flowers on it. Then, I wash up in the bathroom. I brush my teeth and comb my hair. I look at myself in the mirror and smile.
Mom is already in the kitchen. She says, "Good morning, Emma! Are you ready to cook?"
"Yes, Mom! What will we make?" I ask.
Mom smiles and says, "Let's make pancakes and fruit salad today!"
I look for the flour in the cabinet. "Where is it, Mom?"
"It's on the top shelf. Can you take it out for me?" she asks.
I stand on a small chair to pick up the flour. "I got it!" I say.
Then, I set up the table. I put on plates, forks, and cups. Mom brings out eggs, milk, sugar, and butter from the fridge. She also brings out a big bowl and a spoon.
We mix up the flour, eggs, milk, and a little sugar in the bowl. I pour in some milk, but oops! A little bit spills over. "That's okay," says Mom, laughing.
Next, we turn on the stove. "Be careful, Emma. It's hot," Mom says. I nod.
Mom pours out some pancake batter into the pan. I watch as small bubbles show up on the pancake.
Mom says, "Now we have to flip over the pancake." She shows me how to do it. She holds the spatula and carefully flips over the pancake. "Wow! Can I try out?" I ask.
"Of course," she says. I hold the spatula and flip over a pancake. "You did great!" says Mom.
While we wait for more pancakes to cook, we cut up fruit for the salad. I cut up strawberries, bananas, and apples. Mom cuts up oranges and grapes.
Then, I put in all the fruit into a big bowl. We mix up the fruit and add a little honey. "Yum! It smells so sweet!" I say.
After that, we take out juice and milk to drink. I pour out some juice for Mom and milk for me.
Finally, we sit down to eat. The pancakes are soft, and the fruit salad is fresh. "Thank you, Mom! I love cooking with you," I say.
Mom smiles and says, "Me too, Emma. You are a great helper! Next time, we can bake cookies."
"Yay! I can't wait!" I say happily.
구동사 (Phrasal Verb) 의미 (뜻)
wake up 잠에서 깨다
put on (옷 등을) 입다
wash up 손/얼굴을 씻다
brush (one's) teeth 이를 닦다
comb (one's) hair 머리를 빗다
look at ~을 바라보다
look for ~을 찾다
take out 꺼내다
pick up 집다, 들다
set up 준비하다, 차리다
bring out 꺼내오다
mix up 섞다
pour in (안에) 붓다
spill over 넘치다, 엎질러지다
turn on (전기, 가스 등을) 켜다
pour out (밖으로) 붓다
show up 나타나다, 생기다
flip over 뒤집다
show me 나에게 보여주다
try out 시도하다
wait for ~을 기다리다
cut up 잘게 자르다
put in 안에 넣다
take out (again) 꺼내다
sit down 앉다