전체 글14 Playing with Friends! (확장 버전) 400 Playing with Friends It was a bright and sunny day. After school, Mia and her friends met up at the park. "I can't wait to play with you all!" Mia said, smiling brightly. Her friends laughed and called out, "Let’s go have fun!" First, they set up a game of soccer. "Who wants to be on my team?" asked Mia. "I do! Pick me!" shouted Ben. Lily said, "Let's split up and make fair teams." They split up.. 2025. 3. 12. Playing with Friends! 300 Playing with Friends It was a sunny day. After school, Mia and her friends met up at the park. "I can't wait to play with you all!" Mia said. Her friends laughed and called out, "Let’s have fun!" First, they set up a soccer game. "Who wants to be on my team?" asked Mia. "I do!" said Ben. "Me too!" said Lily. They split up into two teams and kicked off the game. Mia ran after the ball and passed.. 2025. 3. 12. Cooking with Mom (엄마와 요리하기) — 확장 400 Cooking with MomHello! My name is Emma. I am ten years old. I wake up early today because I am very excited! Today is Saturday, and I don’t have school. I will cook breakfast with my mom. First, I get out of bed and put on my soft slippers. I wash up in the bathroom. I brush my teeth, comb my hair, and look at myself in the mirror. I say, “Good morning, Emma! Let’s have a great day!” When I walk.. 2025. 3. 11. 창작영어동화 Cooking with Mom 300 Cooking with Mom Hello! My name is Emma. I wake up early in the morning. Today is Saturday. I am happy because I will cook with my mom! First, I put on my yellow apron. It has small flowers on it. Then, I wash up in the bathroom. I brush my teeth and comb my hair. I look at myself in the mirror and smile. Mom is already in the kitchen. She says, "Good morning, Emma! Are you ready to cook?" "Yes,.. 2025. 3. 11. A Trip to the Zoo 300 Emma and her class were going to the zoo.She was very happy."What animals will we see today?" she asked her best friend, Jake.They got on the school bus.The teacher said, "Stay with your buddy and have fun!"The bus stopped, and they walked inside the zoo.The first animals they saw were the monkeys."Look at them swing!" said Emma.The monkeys were jumping from tree to tree.One monkey was eating a .. 2025. 3. 10. A Trip to the Zoo (동물원 여행) — 확장 버전 400 A Trip to the Zoo (동물원 여행) — 확장 버전 400 A Trip to the Zoo Hello! My name is Lucy. Today, I am going to the zoo with my mom, dad, and little brother, Max. I am very happy because I love animals! Max is also excited, and he keeps asking, "When will we see the lions?" We wake up early in the morning. I get out of bed and put on my favorite yellow dress. I wash up and brush my teeth. After that, I go.. 2025. 3. 10. 초등학생도 알기 쉬운 현재완료 초등학생도 알기 쉬운 현재완료(Present Perfect) 예문중심 과거에 시작된 일이 지금까지 한 번 이상 일어났거나, 지금까지 영향을 미치는 경우에 사용해요. have/has + 과거분사 (past participle) 형태로 만들어요. 예를 들어: I have eaten lunch. (나는 점심을 먹었어.) → 점심을 먹은 경험을 말하는 것! She has visited the zoo. (그녀는 동물원에 간 적이 있어.) → 동물원에 간 경험을 말하는 것! 현재완료 예문 30개 1️ 경험(ever, never 사용) → "해본 적이 있어?" I have seen a rainbow. (나는 무지개를 본 적이 있어.) She has never eaten sushi. (그녀는 스시를 먹어본 적.. 2025. 3. 10. 초등학생도 알기 쉬운 과거 완료 초등학생도 알기쉬운 과거완료 예문중심 1.과거완료(Past Perfect)란? 과거완료(Past Perfect)는 과거의 어떤 시점보다 더 앞선 과거의 사건을 이야기할 때 사용해요. had + 과거분사 (past participle) 형태로 만들어요. 예를 들어: I had eaten lunch before you came. (네가 오기 전에 나는 점심을 먹었어.) She had finished her homework before the movie started. (영화가 시작하기 전에 그녀는 숙제를 끝냈어.) 과거완료 예문 30개 과거완료를 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 "Before", "After", "When" 같은 연결어를 사용한 문장을 포함했습니다. 1️-1 두 가지 사건 중 더 과거의 사건을 .. 2025. 3. 10. A Fun Day at School It is morning. Today is a school day. Sam likes school. He wants to go now. Sam walks to school with his mother. His mother holds his hand.Sam is at school now. He sees his teacher. Sam says, "Good morning, Teacher!" The teacher smiles. She says, "Good morning, Sam."There is a new girl in the class. Her name is Ann. The teacher says, "This is Ann. She is new here." Sam smiles at Ann. He says, "H.. 2025. 3. 9. 초등학생도 타는 전기 자전거 성비 좋은 것으로부터 시작 합니다 레이윙 디스커버리 F14E-5는 접이식 전기자전거로, 도시 내 이동과 휴대성을 고려한 디자인이 특징입니다. 아래에 이 모델의 주요 사양과 특징을 상세히 안내해 드리겠습니다. 주요 사양: • 프레임 재질: 스틸 • 색상: 세이지그린 • 크기: 131 x 55 x 102.5 cm • 배터리 전압: 36V • 모터 출력: 350W 특징: • 접이식 디자인: 폴딩 기능을 통해 보관과 휴대가 용이하며, 특히 도시 생활에서 공간 활용에 유리합니다. • 분리형 배터리: 배터리를 간편하게 분리할 수 있어 충전이 편리하며, 도난 방지에도 효과적입니다. • 세이프 스타트 기능: 안전한 출발을 위한 기능이 탑재되어 있어, 주행 중 안전성을 높입니다. • 주행 모드: 페달 보조(PA.. 2025. 3. 9. 일본 eSIM 사용 방법 가이드 (여행/출장 시 활용) eSIM(전자 SIM)은 일본에서 별도의 물리적 SIM 카드 없이 휴대폰에서 QR 코드 스캔만으로 개통할 수 있는 서비스입니다. 일본 여행이나 출장 시 eSIM을 설정하는 방법을 알려드리겠습니다. 1. 일본 eSIM 사용 및 구매 방법 일본에서 사용할 eSIM은 미리 온라인으로 구매하거나, 일본 도착 후 공항 또는 매장에서 구매할 수 있습니다. 주요 eSIM 제공 업체 • Airalo (공식 사이트) o 일본 전용 eSIM 및 글로벌 eSIM 제공 o 일본에서 1GB(7일) 약 $5~10 • Ubigi (공식 사이트) o 일본 데이터 요금제 선택 가능 o 앱을 통해 바로 개통 가능 • Holafly (공식 사이트) o 일본 무제한 데이터 플랜 제공 (비용 다소 비쌈) • Nomad (공식 사이트) o .. 2025. 3. 9. 초등학생들이 자주 쓰는 구동사 100개 act up → 말썽을 부리다ask for → ~을 요청하다ask out → 데이트 신청하다back up → 뒤로 가다, 지원하다blow up → 폭발하다, 화를 내다break down → 고장 나다, 감정을 주체하지 못하다break in → 침입하다, 새 신발 등을 길들이다break out → 갑자기 발생하다bring back → 돌려주다, 기억을 떠올리게 하다bring up → 화제를 꺼내다, 키우다call back → 다시 전화하다call off → 취소하다call out → 크게 외치다calm down → 진정하다carry on → 계속하다catch on → 인기를 얻다, 이해하다check in → 체크인하다check out → 확인하다, 계산하고 나가다cheer up → 기운 내다clean up.. 2025. 3. 8. Fishing With Dad Fishing with DadTom was excited. Today, he was going fishing with his dad. He woke up early and ran to the kitchen. Dad was packing up a lunch."Are you ready, Tom?" Dad asked."Yes! I can't wait!" Tom said, smiling.They drove to the lake. The sun was shining, and the water was calm. Tom saw ducks swimming and birds flying."First, we need to set up our fishing rods," Dad said. He showed Tom how to.. 2025. 3. 8. 초등학생이 읽는 창작 영어 동화 Hello! My name is Jake. I want to tell you about my family. I have a big, loving family, and we always have fun together.My dad's name is Tom. He is very tall and strong. He likes to read books and cook delicious food. On weekends, he takes us to the park. I love playing soccer with him. He tells funny jokes and makes us laugh. My dad also helps me with my school projects. When I need help, he i.. 2025. 3. 7. 이전 1 다음